Κυριακή 27 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Θα μας "εξελίξουν" και θα μας "μπολιάσουν" με τους λαθροεισβολείς-λαθρέποικους

Βιολογικές εξελικτικές θεωρίες που αφορούν λαθρο-πληθυσμούς

Hot spots & Shifting balance theory

The conclusion is that subdivision of a species into local races provides the most effective mechanism for trial and error in the field of gene combinations’. Thus, what Wright was emphasizing was that evolutionary change involved a balance between the forces of natural selection (both among individuals within populations, and between local populations), random genetic drift and gene flow (migration), and that the relative contribution of these factors to evolutionary change would vary over time and space; hence the ‘shifting’ balance

Λαθρομετανάστευση & Metapopulation

Although individual populations have finite life-spans, the metapopulation as a whole is often stable because immigrants from one population (which may, for example, be experiencing a population boom) are likely to re-colonize habitat which has been left open by the extinction of another population. They may also emigrate to a small population and rescue that population from extinction (called the rescue effect). Such a rescue effect may occur because declining populations leave niche opportunities open to the "rescuers".

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